compare numbers  
2 results

compare numbers - A test to see if one number is equal to the other number, less than the other number, or greater than the other number

Comparison of Numbers
Free Comparison of Numbers Calculator - Compares two numbers and checks to see if they are equal to one another, if the first number is greater than the second number, or the first number is less than the second number. Minimum and maximum.

Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Free Fractions and Mixed Numbers Calculator - Given (improper fractions, proper fraction, mixed numbers, or whole numbers), this performs the following operations:
* Addition (Adding)
* Subtraction (Subtracting)
* Positive Difference (Absolute Value of the Difference)
* Multiplication (Multiplying)
* Division (Dividing: complex fraction division is included)
* Compare Fractions
* Simplifying of proper and improper fractions as well as mixed numbers. Fractions will be reduced down as far as possible (Reducing Fractions).
* Reciprocal of a Fraction
* Find all fractions between two fractions
* reduce a fraction